Monday, November 8, 2010

Module 4

Through completing this module I have begun to see that Flickr can have lots of practical uses for myself as a teacher of Media and Visual Design. I am impressed by the fact that you can upload large file sizes and realise that this could be a useful way to share students work, particularly some of the higher resolution photoshop work that they create. In both Media and Visual Design the students are required to do some image analysis and Flickr gives me lots of images to choose from. It is also a useful site for the teaching of photographic technique as all styles of photography are covered, including some that I hadn't thought of (camera toss? throwing your camera in the air to create abstract images, maybe something not to encourage the students in with school equipment....!). I also like the fact that the site has options to edit and create new work using photography that you have taken and will explore how these could be used effectively to engage students in the process of image manipulation. Lastly, in teaching vocational media I am require to cover issues around copyright and legality and this module has given me ideas in ways to go about teaching this potentially "dry" area.

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