Monday, November 8, 2010

Module 6

I like the use of digital mind mapping as mind mapping is something that I do a lot of in the classroom on the whiteboard. is relatively quick and effective and so could be used for this purpose although I am not sure about the functionality of this program and might investigate other options online. I was particularly impressed with Glogster and in teaching Visual Design (a subject concerned very much with aesthetics and the presentation of creative ideas) I can see lots of immediate uses for this. For example it is an excellent way for students to create mood boards - so much so that I am going to use it in my next assessment task! I like the way that it is easy to add video and sound, this can bring ideas to life much more quickly than through the standard poster or powerpoint slide. As much of the templates provided are very teenage in feel I think that the students will take to this program well. It seems a good fit for both the age range and subjects that I teach.

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