Monday, November 8, 2010

Module 5

As a long term user of itunes I have been subscribing to both podcasts and vodcasts for a while now. However, this has been for personal interest and I have not really used them much in the classroom. Looking around some of the other sites on this module I have begun to see the educational value in using podcasts and have also found some good resources (which I previously didn't know existed) that I will be able to use with my students. I am also excited by using itunes U and plan to build up to the stage of creating my own podcasts / vodcasts. I think they are something that the students will also very much enjoy creating and could be a great way to engage them in their learning more. I have been using YouTube for a while and whilst I understand that in some schools there is an issue with giving students access to the site (due to the potential for distraction and access to inappropriate material) I find it to be a valuable resource. Especially as outside of school many students spend more time on YouTube than with "traditional" media forms.

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