Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Module 7

I can see the benefits of using Delicious quite clearly. As our school got broken into a couple of days ago and some teachers laptops were stolen they may not have lost valuable bookmarks had they kept them stored using this program. However, beyond the benefit of using the site as a mere back up tool I can see the value in using it for the sharing of resources - particularly useful for teachers within the same faculty or teaching the same subject at different sites. It could also be used as an educational tool if as a teacher you wanted all students to be regularly using the same sites for a module. Through commenting on a colleagues blog at the end of this module (Cathy Ryan, Module 6) it caused me to reflect that one of the key learnings to be had from undertaking this course is the instantaneous and democratic nature of the tools that we are learning to use. It is maybe where the true power of this new technology lies!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul, I am creating a delicious stack in Choice Theory for all SWEAT team? What do think? Your blog is very well written with some very insightful comments. Thank you
